Randy Linderman

CEI Lab at Duke University.


432 Wilkinson

534 Research Dr

Durham, NC 27705

I am a 4th year PhD Candidate in the CEI Lab in the ECE program at Duke University advised by Prof. Yiran Chen. My research aims to improve the robustness of deep learning models by leveraging hierarchical class relationships. My current focus is on advancing open-set / out-of-distribution detection and continual learning methods.


May 16, 2023 Excited to announce my work exploring the interpretability benefits of hierarchical classifiers for out-of-distribution detection has been accepted to CoLLAs 2023 in Montreal.
Dec 08, 2022 I’m presenting my current work on hierarchical out-of-distribution detection at this year’s NeurIPS ML Safety Workshop in New Orleans!
Aug 05, 2022 My work on out-of-distribution detection has been awarded an Honorable mention for Impact and Relevance to DoD Research Objectives at the NDSEG National Fellows Conference!
Apr 20, 2020 I’ve been awarded the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship to fund my PhD studies in the CEI lab at Duke University starting in the Fall.